Thursday, October 27, 2011

Are you getting what you want out of life....

Seriously are you...
i find myselfs these days dreaming about how i want my life to be, like not impossible changes but improvements i could make to make myself & family better. does everyone have these ideas/dreams or is it that i'm just going stir crazy being @ home with babydoll, pretty much confined to one bedroom. idk. the things i would wanna change is the following....
  • To be in better shape, like i may look skinny but inside i feel like a fat kid with how easily tired out i get from the littlest things. i wanna be able to spend all day playing with Makenna & not be the one whos makes us stop because i'm exhausted.
  • To eat healthier, you can't just put in all the hard work to be in shape & then constantly put poisons in your body. I'm not saying diet but i could make better choices seeing as how i eat like crap since having the baby ( which probably isn't helping me lose the last bit of baby weight either)
  • To be a better cook. i never cooked really when we had our apartment before & well i wanna. i wanna have that life where hubby comes home & dinners cooking. plus i really have no excuse since all i don't work anymore. (well i do because the hardest job i think is raising your children to be amazing people & even more when your doing it by yourself)
  • To watch less tv & read more books. all i do these days is watch tv literally from when i wake up until i go to sleep...even @ the gym. it's ridiculous & i can't remember the last time i read a book.
  • && lastly to start saving money & paying off my debt. i guess u cant really do both @ the same time but what im saying is to stop spending on useless things & start repaying. gonna b kinda hard without a job but ill figure it out.
  • Also i want to really get back into going to church.
What i guess i really want is to set a great example for my daughter & make the most out of this life because you only get one.

Which brings me to the next question
are you the only one who can make yourself change?
While your all probably saying yes, i'm saying no. i mean sure you have to decide to change but you decide based on what's a stake...such as life & death, friendships, relationships....everything. so while you are the one saying yes, someone is pushing you in that direction & supporting you in the change. So i guess you need support.
I would say i have pretty good support system from the loved ones around you. but there's always a debbie downer about it all & its always from who you least expect.
And i know i can make these lifestyle changes with the support from my family & friends.

So here's some math for ya;
48 days till Matty graduates.
14 days till he comes home for a 96.
& 7 days till my birthday. : )

So heres my daily cap for all of you.
i was very lazy today i need to find a routine for myself & baby. The only semi routine we have is that i take her to Donna's everyday @ about 1130 so i can go to the gym. But it would make my life so much easier if the little peanut would go down @ about the same time everyday & take a nap @ the sametime everyday. But i'm sure that wil never happen.
So today Miss Makenna slept in an extra hour after i got up & i managed to do some chores, a very few but they needed to be i managed to shower, change the cat litter, take out the trash in my room & her room, bring the garbage can in from the road & wash bottles along with send a few important emails in that hour. it was like a power hour of work & i was shocked @ how much i managed to get done since i never get that much done all at once between her craziness & my lack of ambition. After my power hour i got her up & changed & we played for quite sometime. it's crazy because no matter how awful things seem to be going just seeing that little girl smile even if it's for only a second sure puts life in prespective. it's hard to imagine that she's only been in my life for 7 weeks because i couldn't manage my life without her. : ) She litterally is my world, & while i love my husband to pieces my love for her is like a whole knew love, to know that i created her & get to shape her into a wonderful person makes me smile nonstop. : ) i can't describe the awesome feeling of being a mother it is incredible. So after playing for a bit with my baby doll i packed her up & took her to Donnas. Went to the gym & the bank. Didn't feel like working out that much today but i figured every little bit of effort will help in the goal to my before baby weight. Also this girl seems to always give me dirty looks while im at the gym. i dont know her & certaintly have never met her but yet everyday when she sees me she just gets this mean look on her face. it's kinda scaryy.
After my errands i went back to Donnas to eat ( i absolutely love eating lunch there, she always has the best leftovers. : )) & eventually Miss Makenna & i came home where we soon lost all of our ambition & did nothing for the rest of the night except play. Although i did manage to make the bed, not like i had much of a choice because i washed my sheets this morning (forgot to mention doing that in my power hour lol)
Well that's all i have for you all tonight. Tomorrow i think Miss Makenna & i are gonna head to hobby lobby & barnes & noble to get a jump start on my lifestyle changes. : )
So until next time....

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Guidelines for life : )

  1. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. 
  2. Pray. There's immeasurable power in it
  3. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want. 
  4. When you say, "I love you", mean it. 
  5. When you say, "I'm sorry", look the person in the eye. 
  6. Never interrupt when you are being flattered.
  7. Believe in love at first sight. 
  8. Never laugh at anyone's dreams
  9. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely
  10. In disagreements, fight fair.
  11. Don't judge people or situations.
  12. Talk slow but think quick. 
  13. Mind your own business.
  14. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk
  15. Call your mom. 
  16. Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze. 
  17. When you lose, don't lose the lesson. 
  18. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; Responsibility for all your actions. 
  19. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship
  20. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. 
  21. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice
  22. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, looks will fade but your friendship won't.
  23. Remember that the best relationship is one where your love for each other is greater than your need for each other.
  24. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.
  25. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer
  26. Read more books and watch less TV
  27. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll get to enjoy it a second time.
  28. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a stroke of luck.
  29. In disagreements with loved ones, deal with the current situation. Don't bring up the past.
  30. Trust in God but lock your car ;)

Just a little something i found that i thought you all might enjoy. : )

The Basics : )

49 days & counting. : )
So the purpose of my blog is to make it easier for family & friends to find out what my little family is up to these days, because it would be impossible to talk to all of you everyday. :(
Esp since before we know it we will be moving away from all of you.

So here's the basics:
My names Miranda & i am a marine wife & a stay @ home mommy to the most beautiful little girl i have ever seen. : )
I've been married to my best friend Matthew (I call him Matty) for just over a year now. : ) & while it's been tough since he's been gone for training all but 4 months it's still been amazing.
And together we made a gorgeous daughter Makenna (who i call Kenna for short) & she is 7 weeks old todayy. it's crazy how much time has flown by since i've had her.

In 49 days Matty will be graduating from his military police training & getting stationed somewhere so we can finally all be together. & while i can't wait to have my family all together & have my own space again, i'm scared to death of moving someplace with no friends & no family. Esp since i just hate making new friends. : (

So needless to say this is the first of many blogs. I'm going to try & write in it everyday, but it all depends on the little one & how much sleep she lets me get.
i'm just gonna keep yall updated on what we do day to day & how much i will miss everyone.

So here it goes...
These days i don't do much of anything esp since i pretty much just live out of a bedroom until we move. But Kenna & i got up and got ready took her to her sitter's Mrs. Wilsons' : ) & i went to the gym. Still trying to work off this baby weight. Which brings me to this; I was always very comfortable with my body for the most part. I just felt comfortable in all my clothes, now i feel like i'm one of those girls that when you look at your not sure if they just had a baby or if there pregnant again. While my husband assures me that i'm just crazy i see it. & it's true you are your own worst critic. & it really bothers me seeing those damn girls who just bounce back after baby. LIke they don't do a damn thing to even get there. i just don't get it, i took care of my body during pregnancy, i ate good for the most part & i did a ton of walking; i was on my feet for 8 hrs. a day & work & then did mall walking on my day offs, so why didn't i get to be one of those girls. Karma sure bit me in the ass on this one. Esp since before baby i was 118 & now i'm 136 & that's after i lost 9 pounds going to the gym for 2 weeks almost. But i'm trying to just work it off because i am just not a dieter. i love food too much. : )
After the gym, i got my Avon order from Donna (aka Mrs. Wilson), and i ordered this pan call the "stuff me pan" anyways its for making stuffed peppers & things like that. & i just can't wait to move & start cooking & all that suff again. Esp since the hubby loves stuffed peppers. : )
After that we came home did some laundry; i can't believe how much laundry i do these days for only 2 people, esp since i def don't put myself together because i really don't have anyone to look cute for. but it is crazy i probably do 4 to 5 loads a week. The worst part is i never put my laundry away. I pick up Makennas room like everyday, i make sure her clothes are all put away & there's nothing out of place. My room not so much. All my clothes i wear are stacked high in 2 laundry baskets, all my drawers on my dresser are open in search for something i might feel kinda cute in. & just mail & papers everywhere. So i guess my task for this weekend is to make some sense out of it. But i could get lost in here too.
After dinner gave Makenna her bath (she loves bath time it's so stinkin' cute) & talked to the hubby on the phone. It was okay but i woulda much rather skype'd with him. Stupid internet.
Well that's all for tonight i guess.
I should get some sleep since sleeping beauty has been out for a good half hour now.
 so until next time....